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How To Re-Use Tape In Hair Extensions


We already know that tape in hair extensions are faster to apply, more comfortable, and kinder to the hair than other methods. But did you know they are also cost-effective too? Unlike some other permanent hair extension systems, Tapes can be re-taped and re-used. There’s no need to fork out every 6-8 weeks on a new set and what’s more you can even re-tape them easily at home yourself!


Can You Reuse Tape-in Hair Extension

Of course, anyone would love to use this over and again, and if you’re wondering whether you can reuse a previously used tape-in extension, then I’m glad to announce to you that, yes, you can! You can reuse your old tape-in extension and save some money. If you take good care of your natural hair and the tape-in extension, you have a good chance of reusing your extensions up to 3 times. I would love to share a few tips so that you will be well-equipped for successful tape hair extensions reuse


How to Reuse Tape-in Hair Extensions

Tape-in extensions cannot be DIYed and must be installed by a professional stylist with plenty of experience in a salon. That is because tape extensions need to be installed evenly to match the roots of your hair and require special equipment. The hairstylist would section your hair into bits that match the width of the tape-in extension before taping your hair between the two wefts of extension.

Strands by strands and section by section, the process are repeated until your entire hair is taped or your desired volume and length are achieved. Installing your tape-in extension requires special tools but chemicals, or messy metal bonding. Using a tape-in extension is painless, highly versatile, and non-damaging if done by an expert stylist. It is a perfect way to add luxurious volume and length to your hair for a long time— at least until new growth kicks in and the tapes start moving farther away from your roots. 


1. Removing Your Old Tape-in Extension 

With new hair growth, you’ll need to take tape hair extensions out and re-tape them. This has to be done by a professional hairstylist who will use a specially tape-in remover solution and hair holding equipment to make the process easy and quick. It also leaves both your natural hair and tape-in extension undamaged. Using the tape-in remover solution, your stylist removes the tape extension off your hair, ensuring that your natural hair isn’t pulled alongside.


2. Preparing to Reuse Your Tape-in Extension 

Your stylist will apply alcohol-based solution to dissolve tape bonding glue and remove tape extensions. After that hairstylist will comb through the extension to remove any tangles and residue. Then the tape-in remover solution is applied to the extension to remove the old tapes from all the wefts. Your stylist would also shampoo and condition the extension using a specially formulated deep clarifying shampoo and conditioner followed by a thorough rinse. Then your natural hair will need to be blow-dried using a low-heat blow dryer. After that, the extensions are brushed and trimmed to lay off stray hair. Then a new tape is fixed to replace the old tape that was removed, and your extension is ready to be reused. 



3. Reinstalling Tape-in Extension

 After removing and cleaning your extensions, your stylist will prepare your head for the re-installment of hair extensions. Usually, your stylist washes your hair using a clarifying shampoo and deep conditioner for about two to three times. Your stylist will aim to free your hair from any glue residue leaving it sleek and ready to carry re-used the tape-in hair extension. Reinstalling your tape-in extension follows the same process as installing them the first time around. Your hair is sectioned into bits about 4-5cm in width, the width of a tape-in extension. Every section of your hair is successfully sandwiched in between the double-sided tape extension. Finally, your stylist will reinstall the extensions as if they were new and straight off-the-shelf extensions.

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